• Description

    The Bhangarh Fort is located on the border of the Sariska Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in Alwar district of Rajasthan. The nearest village is Golakha. The fort is situated at the foot of the hills on sloping terrain.
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    With its proverbial haunted haveli, Bhangarh Fort welcomes you with its ghostly arms and cursed walls. Really a prehistoric site, the town was established in 1573 during the rule of Bhagwant Das. After a famine the town diminished in population and its legacy gradually dwindled into oblivion, known only for its curse, wished on it by a vengeful tantrik.
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    Additionally, you will come across Shiva, Someshwar, Mangla Devi, Lavina Devi and Keshava Rai temples that are some of the more remarkable structures of the town. You cannot remain in Bhangarh after sunset and before sunrise - it is legally prohibited by the Archaeological Survey of India.


    Opening Days:-

    All week days


    6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Ticket Charges:-

    No entry fee.


    4.9 out of 5


    No ghosts, only a lot of people and monkeys

    Nothing Paranormal.

    View Map
  • Things to Do.

    Visit following Temples

    Hanuman Temple

    Gopinath Temple

    Someswar Temple

    Keshav Rai Temple

    Mangla Devi Temple

    Purohitji Ki Haveli

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    Thom Sander

    8901 Marmora Road, Glasgow, D04 89GR


    +1 959 603 6035
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